Wednesday 22 July 2015

Entente Florale 2015

Trim Town has taken part in the Entente Florale Competition.  The town looks great and it was so wonderful to see such a level of participation.  The judging has taken place last week.  I decided to share this video. This video was done by a local business in Trim, Stockhouse Restaurant.  Thought you might like a little break from pictures of wool, knitting and dogs...  If you are ever in the town of Trim, be sure to visit Stockhouse Restaurant.

Saturday 11 July 2015

Friday 10 July 2015

Day 7 Tour De Fleece 2015


Spinning Falkland Wool that I dyed with turmeric.  I'm covered in turmeric now.  I love the colour but I don't know if this is going to work out.  Little disappointed.  Would love a hat this colour but I don't want a yellow mark on my forehead.  Will have to decide if I will continue spinning it or not.

Thursday 9 July 2015

Day 6 Tour De Fleece

I spun up these batts that I made with hand dyed superwash merino and some silver angelina fibre.  I think it will make a nice hat.

Will wash and set this yarn tomorrow.

I dug this yarn out of my handspun stash and decided to attempt knitting one of these hats.  I have a small head and knit with a big gauge so I am knitting with 5mm needles and cast on only 72.  I will see how I get on.

Happy Spinning!

Wednesday 8 July 2015

Day 5 Tour De Fleece

I got a bit of spinning done today.  Yesterday and today, I didn't have as much time for it.  It is great to do this spinalong because even if you do 5 minutes, it's something and it counts.  There are no real rules.  It is nice to be spinning again.  I might even run out of hand dyed wool before the Tour is finished.  It is fun thinking about what I will knit with these new yarns.  I'd like to make some simple shawls and hats.  I've been looking up patterns and digging through all my handspun yarns.  I do want to start some but I have so many projects on the go.

One day, I will dye and spin matching hat, scarf/cowl/shawl and mittens/fingerless gloves.

I am beginning to find appreciation for fingerless gloves.  A shocking truth is I wore a pair of fingerless gloves that I dyed, spun and knitted while taking Lexi out for our last walk tonight.  Shocking because it's July.

Tuesday 7 July 2015

Day 4 Tour De Fleece

Didn't get much spinning done today but I did a bit and took a few photos.

Today I made a chocolate, cherry, coconut banana bread.  It should be called everything including the kitchen sink cake!

Monday 6 July 2015

Day 3 Tour De Fleece 2015

Day 3 of the Tour De Fleece.  I am planning on plying these two different colourways together and am looking forward to seeing the outcome.  I have high hopes of plying these bobbins after dinner.  I make no promises and I probably will photograph the plied yarn tomorrow.

Happy Spinning!

Sunday 5 July 2015

Day Two Tour De Fleece

This is yesterday's spinning plied.

This is Lexi, making the most the sunshine while it lasts.

I am going to spin and ply both of these together.  I spun the more orange-y one today and will spin the other one tomorrow.

Orange-y one spun.

Happy Spinning!


Saturday 4 July 2015

Tour De Fleece 2015 Irish Spinalong Day One

 Today is Day One of the Tour De Fleece and the Tour De France.  This is the first year, I am participating.  I am hoping to spin up a lot of my stash.  It's lovely here, so I was able to spin in my back garden.

The blue wool was some combed top that I purchased and the batt was one that I made.  It is a mixed fibre back from my LHogan wool days.
