Friday 15 August 2014


I don't know what kind of mind discusses cake because that is probably what I will be doing today.  I am baking my brother his 'real' birthday cake.  I am going to make another chocolate jam cake - glutenfree for myself to eat whilst everyone eats birthday cake.  August is a time of many cakes.  I used to make cupcakes and cakes with icing.  One year, I'd say we went through a serious amount of sugar and icing sugar.  I'm not going to lie.  I was buying the big 5kg bags of sugar.  My family and I had problems sleeping at night due to the crazy amounts of sugar.  Molly, the dog was given a teeny amount of cake and even she was up at night howling.  The icing recipe was too hard core.  I should look for another one.  I have just been making chocolate icing and cake since.

Can't wait to blend the mustard and see how that turned out.  I'll see if I can cut the mustard or not.

This bag above I sewed the weekend August 9-10, 2014.  I also made few other items.  I have a busy weekend this weekend.  Hopefully, I will get some sewing done on Sunday.  Might make some cushion covers if I have the right zippers in my stash.

Better start baking the 'real' cake.

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